Things to be thankful for as the nation celebrates Thanksgiving

Long lines may abound at supermarkets and restaurants but none of that is expected to douse the enthusiasm of the country this holiday weekend. Instead, the nation is about to celebrate Thanksgiving, a time of turkey and song and football — even if the presidential race means it’s a less exciting occasion for Donald Trump.

As family members are preparing to gather in front of the stove to cook up a feast for their loved ones, or to watch a game together in their living rooms, other holiday traditions are being observed this year. The Environmental Protection Agency — as part of the Protect Clean Air Act — has announced plans to close one of its three nationwide Superfund sites, the Western Area Superfund site in Burnt Forest, Ill. — the site of one of the largest open burning disasters in American history. The EPA described the burning as a “debilitating and carcinogenic event.”

Meanwhile, Americans at home will enjoy annual resolutions, or new ones that demand their attention. On Friday, the YWCA released a new report about the attitudes of women about diet and weight issues, showing that while they are willing to weigh their own health, they are hesitant to face the reality of the effect that their bodies may have on their dating prospects. One woman who responded to the YWCA’s survey revealed: “If they don’t like me or if they cannot see any potential in me they just want to get as close to me as possible. Because if I’m good, they like me for me.”

Read more from The New York Times.

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