London fire: Police arrest city worker after flames prevent homeless from using clubhouse

It was a place that normally provides shelter for the homeless in London — but on Sunday, a fire meant to be used by the group disrupted their lives once again.

Police arrested a 25-year-old City of London employee after a fire at a golf course clubhouse on Sunday meant to be used for the homeless left it blackened and unusable.

The building’s sprinkler system caused the fire, police say. As a result, the clubhouse “does not meet fire and safety codes and is thus unfit for occupation.”

Police described the building as “chaos” following the blaze. Authorities added that a man was arrested after witnesses reported the suspect trespassing on the property near the Thames River. The employee, from City of London Corporation, has been charged with arson. He is expected to appear in court on Tuesday.

Instagram photos show charred walls and smoke pouring from a brick building. Unclear whether it’s a clubhouse or office space, but a man can be seen taking a selfie in front of a large fire.

Another video posted online shows smoke pouring from the building, which sits next to an already-dilapidated building. A handful of homeless people rest on chairs and carpets in the scorched space.

Another photo posted on Instagram captures a conflagration behind a forest of trees.

The City of London Corporation serves as the financial services corporation for the City of London, a crown colony. The corporation houses the financial regulator, reports the Bank of England, and oversees the regulation of financial firms in London.

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