The deadly industry that’s in hot demand

Story highlights Be a skilled miner to get the right job at the right price.

Daredevil dives, adrenaline-packed tours and fearless mountain bike journeys are just a few perks of getting your teeth into this high-paying career.

Riverside mine in Siberia, Russia, erupted in a massive coal-mining accident on Sunday that killed 11 workers and injured 17 others.

This is not the first time this mining complex has been plagued by an explosion. On May 10, 2013, 37 workers were killed when a fire and explosion caused the station to burst into flames. The explosion was sparked by a natural gas explosion.

Despite the tragedy that followed, this Siberian mine has persisted through the devastating accident. Over the last several years, the mine has continued producing coal as though nothing had happened.

Just a few hours after the mine went up in flames, the authorities started releasing gas extracted from the miners’ smoldering bodies. The 35 tons of coal was then burned on the open flame.

In other words, if you can get the job to be a mining operator at this Russian power plant, you can see no end in sight. But this is not the only mining hub around the world with an ongoing situation like this. In fact, the working conditions in the coal industry are not all that different from any other. As many as 10 million people are employed as miner across the globe, most of them on subsistence-level wages. Many in the industry work in remote regions where living conditions are not very good. Despite this, mining is one of the most lucrative job in the world. You can make roughly $150,000 annually just as a miner, depending on your skills.

For example, if you have engineering skills, you can usually get top pay. To do this job, you can likely find many temporary gigs at temporary jobs sites like Modular Industrial Technology (MODITEX) and Welding Temporary Employment Agency (WTEA).

These kinds of jobs offer a way to make some extra cash and establish your credentials. In the US, people can find some of the same advantages when they apply to join the military. Jobs like line cook or even physical education instructor help people to turn into a maintenance or logistics expert.

To learn more about the industry, as well as some of the hazards of mine work, check out the 100 top-paying jobs in the world:

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Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of CNN.

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