John Catsimatidis: Why Jeff Bezos Is Giving $100 Million To Obama Foundation

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After years of criticism, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos announced on Thursday that he will donate $100 million to the Obama Foundation.

Jeff Bezos is in the news for all the wrong reasons these days. Who could forget the time the world’s richest man had his bare butt photographed while riding around town in a custom cherry wood cherry picker like Jimi Hendrix ? It’s not like Bezos doesn’t have a long history of producing headlines. Not to mention one of the worst firing experiences of our time. But while this latest hack has made the world take notice, it hasn’t changed the mind of the man himself.

You’re probably wondering why Jeff Bezos is giving this money to the Obama Foundation. For starters, the last president ended up in a wheelchair, partially paralyzed and dealing with severe memory issues. Ever been to the White House? Neither have I so I find it hard to argue with his determination and the lingering benefits for President Obama.

Jeff Bezos also just happens to be one of our country’s biggest philanthropists and has donated millions to countless organizations around the world. This donation to the Obama Foundation is nothing short of courageous and revolutionary. It really proves that it’s never too late to get involved in society. Jeff Bezos is in his 60’s and looking to get involved in a younger crowd. He doesn’t feel that he’s too old to get out there and help his fellow Americans.

Jeff Bezos says he likes the infrastructure of the Obama Foundation and has been impressed with how it has gone about its business for the last three years.

Now it’s not surprising that Jeff Bezos is looking to give back to his country. However, I do think he’s jumping the gun a bit on his donation to the Obama Foundation since he did just recently purchase the Washington Post and has a major stake in Amazon.

The Obama Foundation has already said it can’t make Amazon a partner. So far we haven’t heard anything from Jeff Bezos about the future of the Washington Post.

Listen to the rest of the interview on GBTM…

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